Monday, 29 October 2007

The Day in Review Oct 29

- Leading our bulletins this evening, the big two took on terrorism - again. This time, the fact that the police had asked the Solicitor General to advise on whether they could prosecute under the Suppression of Terrorism Act. One went with an interview of Marama, the latest lass to be granted bail while facing firearms charges. 3 proffered Tariana Turia's take, followed by Mini-Garner's explanation of what the legislation meant, and that this was a test case (in a 37 second soundbite). One followed this up with the war of words between Winston Peters and Pita Sharples (more of which we will see later).
- The Honourable Mr. Mallard's position in Cabinet was story number two, with Garner Major giving us his take on 3 before Guyon gave us the lowdown later on (collusion to avoid the head-on?). Both agreed Mallard's a dead duck (not my fault, the same lame joke's been pushed on us by all outlets).
- The firearm incident resulting in two injured soldiers in Afghanistan saw all three televisual providers (Prime led with it).
- Outside of the Irish President's visit, a home invasion, and the Royal blackmail plot, the pick tonight was 3's on-going coverage of the anglers' access trial. The jury's out, and farmers are watching (although it doesn't appear as though any journos are).
- Both Sainsbury and Campbell had Pita and Peters going head-to-head with their respective rhetoric - although John managed to get them on live, and then keep them for an extra segment (Sainsbury had to make do with vox populi leading into a replayed debate).
Nothing extra, good night.

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