Monday, 15 October 2007

The Day in Review Oct 15

- Today, all of our broadcasters could go no further than the raids around the country that were covered under the Suppression of Terrorism Act. Everyone tried to outdo the rest. Prime kicked it all off (where excluding Neil Waka for obvious reasons) with pics from 3 and Barry Soper's sober musings on the issue. One had Fran Mold opening their piece, with a threat to the Prime Minister bandied about. Lisa Owen took the hard details, telling us about Hemi Lockett's charge amongst other things. They tried going to Ruatoki direct, but had to wait until after their first ad break before getting a link that worked. 3 took a more sensational approach - not quite quoting 'Apocalypse Now' but really really wanting to (that's a thinly veiled reference to napalm; sorry kids). Garner Major let us know that H1 had been informed of the threat a week earlier, and that her office was aware of the situation several weeks ago. 3 also focused on the raid in the Wellington hippy house on Abel Smith and Willis. They also had an indepth piece on Tame Iti - well, wouldn't you? (All I can think of is Paul Thomas' 'Guerilla Season' and the Aotearoa People's Army - great book.)
- The second segment (yes, TV One and TV3 followed RNZ's lead in having a lead story last longer than 10 minutes) only had the upcoming Oz election in common. 3 had Banksie calling the Guvmint's bluff, while One went with the real estate agent's disciplinary hearing. There were other things, but they were mainly international (including the Brethren conspiracy in Australia).
- Top story went to 3 with Dr. Keith Turner of Meridian warning that the national grid could fail because Transpower turned off an interisland line. Good scoop.
- Close Up and Campbell went with the raids of terror, fighting over who could get Howard Broad first (Sainsbury did, so John had to talk to Tame Iti's lawyer - yikes).
- Nothing too insipid tonight (I'm excluding Banksie), so we'll go with a well done to the Kiwi boys who drive around in a circle for the Sheik's pleasure. And Jonny Reid really is a driver's name.
Good night.

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